
Background. The paper is devoted to the study of the effectiveness of different types of coil fiber winding of fiber optic gyro (FOG) in reducing of the impact of Shupe effect under temperature changes. Objective. The objective of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of different types of FOG fiber coil winding under temperature changes. Methods. Based on the analysis of existing types of winding, and formulae for non-reciprocal phase shift calculation, a method for evaluation of the impact of temperature gradient on coils with different types of winding is created. Method mentioned is applied to 9 different types of coil winding. Results. The dependencies of zero shift vs time for nine types of winding under the impact of axial, radial temperature gradients and combinations thereof are obtained. Conclusion. Overall, use of quadruple windings seems to be optimal; for low precision sensors one can recommend centered unipolar winding while ensuring good thermal and vibration insulation of the coil. The use of pads (or frameless coils) is justified when simple winding is used (e.g., in devices for short-living objects, for automotive industry, etc.), or for high-precision sensors.


  • The paper is devoted to the study of the effectiveness of different types of coil fiber winding of fiber optic gyro (FOG) in reducing of the impact of Shupe effect under temperature changes

  • Optical fiber gyroscope sensing coil having a reduced sensitivity to temperature variations occurring therein: Pat. 5465150 USA, IPC G01C 19/72 / A.R

  • Исследование метода локального температурного воздействия и его применение для компенсации дрейфа волоконно-оптического гироскопа: Дисс

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The paper is devoted to the study of the effectiveness of different types of coil fiber winding of fiber optic gyro (FOG) in reducing of the impact of Shupe effect under temperature changes. The objective of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of different types of FOG fiber coil winding under temperature changes. Дисертаційна робота [12] присвячена компенсації похибок ВОГ, викликаних зміною температури, але в ній аналіз ефективності різних видів намотки відсутній. Вплив температури на котушку з намоткою без перехрещування витків (CF, crossover-free coil, — квадрупольна намотка з переходами між шарами, винесеними за котушку) та з квадрупольною намоткою досліджується відповідно в [13] і [14], але в цих працях відсутній аналіз інших видів намотки. На жаль, жодна з цих праць не містить аналізу й оцінки ефективності різних намоток в умовах зміни температури

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Умови моделювання і методика розрахунку
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