
ABSTRACT The argan tree area is one of the regions of Morocco strongly affected by the desertification. It has an estimated population of more than two million people, 60% of whom live in rural areas. This population, coupled with the aridity of the climate, puts increased pressure on the argan tree area whose yield seems to be decreasing. The extent of degradation is variable throughout the argan tree area. There has been a lack of reliable information. Accordingly, the researchers made a comparative study over the last 30 years between plain and mountain argan ecosystems in Essaouira under a mainly semi-arid bio-climate, then, in Tiznit under an arid bio-climate. It appears that the argan forest degradation is greater in the plains than in the mountains. In addition, the results showed an increase in the area occupied by argan tree cultivation against a decrease in natural argan ecosystems. In Essaouira, the argan forest has lost about 1065 ha/year during the first fifteen years against only 376 ha/year during the second. In Tiznit, where the climate is more arid and where the argan tree is present mainly in the plain, the loss was about 1,140 ha/year during the first fifteen years against 1,533 ha/year during the second.

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