
The target of the paper is to find the similarities and particularities of the travel and tourism market in eachBaltic country by comparing the main statistical indicators. For this purpose, bibliography review/analysis, induction and deduction,as well as statistical analysis methods such as grouping, processing and comparison methods are used. The researchshows that Estonia features the highest travel and tourism industry’s share both in the total GDP of the country and employment,exceeding the average figures of the EU countries. Estonia is a leader among the Baltic countries both in terms of thenumber of foreign visitors with an overnight stay and the total number of nights spent in tourist accommodation. Lithuaniahas developed the most even distribution of tourist accommodation within the country – in contradistinction to Estonia andLatvia that face too high concentration of tourists in capital cities. Riga airport is the leading airport in the Baltic regionshowing the highest results for direct and transit passengers volume, aircraft movements and the number of direct destinationsoffered. Estonia not only is very successful in using its seafront location and developing an effective ferry route networkbut also has positioned Tallinn as one of the Baltic Sea cruise destinations that is offered by the largest cruise companies.


  • In global travel and tourism industry, the Baltic countries are generally viewed as a common region

  • The travel and tourism industry’s contribution to total gross domestic product (GDP) and employment is quite different in each Baltic country

  • Estonia features the highest travel and tourism industry’s share both in the total GDP of the country and employment, exceeding the average figures of the EU countries. This position is more likely to be kept during the years according to the World Economic Forum report, which has ranked Estonian travel competitiveness as high as 25th out of 139 countries

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In global travel and tourism industry, the Baltic countries are generally viewed as a common region. In the environment of increasing competition among European tourism destinations for attracting visitors from other continents, a unified marketing and destination positioning for the Baltic region is a considerable prerequisite for strengthening its position on the European map and for increasing attractiveness for business and leisure travellers. Compared to the same index of 2009, Estonia climbed a few positions, while Latvia and Lithuania – dropped a few positions. The paper poses a question: what trends are revealed by the travel and tourism industry indicators of 2010?. This paper is aimed at finding similarities and particularities of the travel and tourism market in each Baltic country. Comparative analysis of major travel and tourism indicators: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, 2010

Key travel and tourism indicators
Accommodation and overnight stays: capital cities and regions
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