
The development of the scientific concept of the economic category “logistics of trade services”dictates the need for the formation of logistics systems of trade services, which should be based on two dominantcomponents - this is the territorial component and the integral. The need to include a territorial component isexplained by the fact that retail trade and public catering, working for a specific consumer, gravitate towards theplaces where their client is located. The second component, an integrated logistics tool, provides for a significantchange in the objective function and the criteria for the optimality of logistics activities, which makes it possible toachieve maximum competitive advantages to ensure the implementation of development strategies of the tradingindustry as a whole. In times of progressive digital transformation and constant change, a continuous reorientation ofstationary retail is indispensable in order to be successful in the future. The practical recommendations for actionprovide a guideline for the transformation of stationary retailing based on digital change processes. Various factorsare taken into account, which is identified as critical success factors for stationary retail. These include areorientation of the business model, the introduction of new digital technologies and data protection. In general,stationary retail must rethink the business model holistically and be open to radical innovations in order to besuccessful in the long term.

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