
Abstract Today Ukraine is in the process of establishing an integral base for adult education and the system of employees’ professional development. Hence, the research of the experience of the countries with a fixed, ramified, but integral system of normative and juridical documents in the above-mentioned fields can be of great use. Addressing to the USA and Canada is caused by the fact that in these countries the questions of vocational training and professional development of employees are juridically regulated. The article represents the results of the comparative analysis of legislative provision of professional development of employees in the USA and Canada in general, and tourism employees, in particular. Laws for analysis were taken from official sites of state and federal bodies. All of them have been systemized into 4 categories: laws on employment, on human resources, on vocational training and professional development, adult education. Common and different features of both countries have been defined. It has been determined that legislative bases of the USA and Canada are ramified and diverse, but at the same time they are integral and coherent. The analysis has shown that they have a lot of common features, similarity of normative and juridical documents, which is caused, mainly, by the geographical location of these countries, by the market economy which they both have, by similar social problems and common development trends. It has also been found out that Canada has a unique federal program EMERIT aimed at continuous learning of tourism employees and their professional development. The study of foreign experience allowed us to distinguish the progressive ideas to be applied to the development of Ukrainian legislative provision.

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