
Chordomas are rare tumors of the axial skeleton that are refractory to conventional therapy. Few studies have compared the morphological and molecular characteristics of chordomas according to the skull base and sacral locations. Histopathological data and changes revealed by array comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) and next-generation sequencing (NGS) of cell cycle regulation genes were analyzed for 28 skull base (SBCs) and 15 sacral (SC) chordomas. All cases were conventional chordomas. SBCs were significantly more frequent in patients aged <40 years and SCs predominated in patients aged >60 years. Mitotic indices ≥2 mitoses/10 high-power fields were correlated with high degrees of nuclear atypia and Ki67 labeling indices ≥6%. We identified 321 genomic positions, and copy number variation losses were more frequent than gain. Moreover, we report a panel of 85 genetic variants of cell cycle genes and the presence of molecular clusters for chordoma as well in CGH as in NGS. These new data strengthen the view that the chordoma should not be considered as a single molecular entity.

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