
The theme of gender inequality of character for many countries of the world. Particularly acute is the issue of inequality in the labor market in countries with a problem of low levels of natural reproduction of the population. One of the countries with this demographic problem is Russia. The purpose of this work is to identify the most relevant measures to combat gender inequality in the labor market of the Russian Federation. The author analyzed the works on this topic by domestic authors, for example, N.V. Zubarevich, A.S. Budyakova. In addition, in retrospect, the measures taken by the PRC government to combat inequality in the labor market were considered. Learning from China’s experience in fighting inequality in the labor market can be useful for Russia and other countries, as China is one of the largest economies in the world and has already made significant progress in this area. The theoretical analysis carried out made it possible to identify a number of measures that can be adopted from the PRC, for example, the promotion of entrepreneurial activity among women. The author also proposed some measures derived from the work of domestic researchers.

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