
The study concerns a comparative analysis of battery storage technologies used for photovoltaic solar energy installations used in residential applications. Battery storage is needed because of the intermittent nature of photovoltaic solar energy generation and also because of the need to store up excess energy generated in periods of high demand or for sales to the National Grid System. The study consists of three parts; namely: (a) to undertake a comprehensive review of current battery storage technologies. (b) To investigate the performance of the main battery storage technologies that is commercially available (efficiency, energy density, power density, self-discharge per day and power rating); (c). Undertake comparison of battery energy storage technologies. From the findings, it shows that the Lithium Ion Battery technology is the most reliable and most widely used technology for residential applications. It has the best performance characteristics (efficiency, energy density, power density, moderate self-discharge and power rating) however, lithium ion batteries are still relatively expensive among others. Due to these features the Lithium Ion Battery technology stands a total chance of dominating the Battery technology market for residential and automotive applications. Also shows from the findings, the performing reliability of the Lithium ion battery by using the battery application requirements and the dangers in operating at a not required specification. More recommendations were made in areas of challenges faced by the battery storage technologies in order to make improvement.

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