
Cytokinin is a major phytohormone that has been used in agriculture as a plant-growth stimulating compound since its initial discovery in the 1960s. Isopentenyl transferase (IPT) is a rate-limiting enzyme for cytokinin biosynthesis, which is produced by plants as well as bacteria including both plant pathogenic species and plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB). It has been hypothesized that there may be differences in IPT function between plant pathogens and PGPB. However, a comprehensive comparison of IPT genes between plant pathogenic and PGPB species has not been performed. Here, we performed a global comparison of IPT genes across bacteria, analyzing their DNA sequences, codon usage, phyletic distribution, promoter structure and genomic context. We found that adenylate type IPT genes are highly specific to plant-associated bacteria and subdivide into two major clades: clade A, largely composed of proteobacterial plant pathogens; and clade B, largely composed of actinomycete PGPB species. Besides these phylogenetic differences, we identified several genomic features that suggest differences in IPT regulation between pathogens and PGPB. Pathogen-associated IPTs tended to occur in predicted virulence loci, whereas PGPB-associated IPTs tended to co-occur with other genes involved in cytokinin metabolism and degradation. Pathogen-associated IPTs also showed elevated gene copy numbers, significant deviation in codon usage patterns, and extended promoters, suggesting differences in regulation and activity levels. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that differences in IPT regulation and activity exist between plant pathogens and PGPB, which determine their effect on plant host phenotypes through the control of cytokinin levels.

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