As the architecture of logic devices is evolving towards gate-all-around (GAA) structure, research efforts on advanced transistors are increasingly desired. In order to rapidly perform accurate compact modeling for these ultra-scaled transistors with the capability to cover dimensional variations, neural networks are considered. In this paper, a compact model generation methodology based on artificial neural network (ANN) is developed for GAA nanosheet FETs (NSFETs) at advanced technology nodes. The DC and AC characteristics of GAA NSFETs with various physical gate lengths (Lg), nanosheet widths (Wsh) and thicknesses (Tsh), as well as different gate voltages (Vgs) and drain voltages (Vds) are obtained through TCAD simulations. Subsequently, a high-precision ANN model architecture is evaluated. A systematical study on the impacts of ANN size, activation function, learning rate, and epoch (the times of complete pass through the entire training dataset) on the accuracy of ANN models is conducted, and a shallow neural network configuration for generating optimal ANN models is proposed. The results clearly show that the optimized ANN model can reproduce the DC and AC characteristics of NSFETs very accurately with a fitting error (MSE) of 0.01.
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