Purpose: Flood is a recurrent natural disaster that has caused enormous human and material damage in many places and continues to hit rural communities at an alarming rate. Flood affects the community extensively and it is crucial for them to be prepared to reduce the risk faced in the event of a flood disaster. The need to improve on education, local flood disaster committee, public awareness and early warnings as preparedness measures to prevent and manage flood disasters by rural communities is therefore indispensable. This study aims to determine the current level of flood preparedness amongst households in Babessi, Cameroon as well as other contributing factors to preparedness such as the availability of flood forecast and early warning and public awareness to prepare for floods.
 Methodology: This study used the mixed methods approach that combined descriptive and analytical perspectives. It collected and analyzed both qualitative and quantitative data concurrently and sequentially and integrated data at one or more stages in the process. Using a structured questionnaire, data was purposively and randomly selected from 317 households from the same. Quantitative data were supplemented by 7 key informant interviews and 2 focused group discussions. All quantitative data generated from the questionnaires were entered into a template designed in the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 20). The data were cleaned and later on analyzed using both SPSS and Microsoft Excel 2013. For qualitative data (FGDs and KIIs), they were recorded in the field using Dictaphones (voice recorder) and later on transcribed and typed into a word processing program (Microsoft Word 2013). The transcribed data were analyzed using Nvivo version 11, and themes were established in relation to research objective. Results were presented using tables, figures and charts.
 Findings: Using descriptive analysis, the findings indicated that the preparedness measures were mostly stocking of equipment (sand and sand bags) followed by emergency savings, stocking of emergency relief materials (food, water and drugs). Availability of flood forecast and early warning systems, education and public awareness were low overall preparedness level. The population of Babessi needs heightened sensitization on the impending dangers of flood hazard and be encouraged to participate in implementing the adopted strategies to prevent and manage subsequent flood disasters.
 Recommendations: The Social Representations Theory (SRT) informed this study. A social representation is a system of values, ideas and practices regarding a given social object, as well as the elaboration of that object by a group for the purpose of communicating and behaving. For policy, to enhance information dissemination, investments should be made in improving communication infrastructure and disseminating timely and accurate information about flood risks, early warnings, evacuation procedures, and available support services.
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