
This research aims to ensure the active role of the Bagak Sahwa village community in making decisions on tourism by using the environmental area to obtain a fair share of income from tourism activities. Bagak Sahwa tourism village is expected to implement Community Based Tourism (CBT) effectively. However, the implementation by the local community has not been conducted as mandated in Law No. 10 of 2009. In some cases, it can even lead to community conflicts. The results showed that community participation in developing the tourism village potential was still low. The low quality of human resources also influenced this situation, and the resident-focused more on the agricultural sector. The road access is in poor shape, insufficient facilities, and infrastructure supporting tourism activities, the promotion of tourism objects is still deficient, and the quality and quantity of human resources are still low. The Social Entrepreneur model’s presence has impacted a shift in society’s perspective socially and economically. However, the Village community still upholds their ancestors’ language and behavior patterns. The administrators involving the local community transmit knowledge based on these findings. Therefore, the local community is educated to actively participate in developing the village. They can collaborate with new things by involving millennials in tourism village activities to maintain local culture and wisdom.

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