This study was conducted in the Amuria district of Northeastern Uganda. The aim of the study was to assessthe performance of Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction (CMDRR) approach in mitigating disastereffects in the area. The objectives were to assess the effectiveness of community preparedness, response, andrecovery efforts in mitigating disasters in the study area. Aberilela and Wera sub-counties were purposivelyselected, and two parishes were chosen from each of the two sub counties based on their vulnerability to flooddisasters. A sample of 300 household heads were randomly selected. Methods of data collection includedquestionnaires, in-depth interviews with key informants, focus group discussions, observation, and documentsreview. The collected data were analysed using descriptive statistics and triangulated with thematic analysisof the data from interviews and field observations. Results from the study indicate that the CMDRR approachhad performed well despite some shortcomings. The approach had been able to prepare the community bytraining them in disaster management activities, developing hazard prone maps, disaster plans, establishedeffective rescue measures and other response measures for the affected communities. However, it had failedin building capacity among the communities to stock essential services including food, early warning systemsand in detecting and predicting disaster as well as building gender and age balanced capacity in thecommunities. Overall, the performance of CMDRR committees in Amurai and particularly Abarilela andWera sub-counties was above average. The study recommends that government should adopt this approachand replicate it in other disaster-prone areas for effective disaster management.
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