
Thematic conceptual domains represent collective cognitive schemes that contain knowledge acquired by an individual through cognition. Based on these data, which can be called the given knowledge, an individual constructs a sentence to transfer information in the course of communication. Constructing a composite (compound or complex) sentence, an individual objectifies the results of thematic conceptual domains interpretation in relation to a fixed fragment of reality that includes events in their relationships. Such interpretation results in the establishment of conceptual links between or among the events. These links are mostly logical in nature and reflect the new knowledge important to design a composite sentence in order to adequately transfer its communicative perspective. Composite sentence construction is aimed at the objectification of the new knowledge that can be presented by conceptual links between or among the events within a hyperevent as a fixed fragment of reality. Of course, communicative perspective of composite sentences manifested in the interaction of the given and the new knowledge in view of the interpretive function of thematic and conceptual domains is just one of the areas to study information distribution in the abovementioned syntactic units. Such distribution can be called generalized: an individual perceives events linked on a certain basis within a hyperevent most holistically, and the role of each separate hyperevent element in determining the conceptual content of the complex fragment of reality recedes into the background.

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