
Language is the most widely used tool that Human beings use for interacting with each other to exchange their ideas, information, feelings and sentiments. It acts as a repository of wisdom, a propeller for the advancement of knowledge and telescope to view the vision of the future in this fast changing world. The English language has played a vital role. It is the most influential language the world has ever witnessed. Super-power politics has not been able to set boundaries for it. It is the closest thing to a lingua franca around the world. English has penetrated deep into all business sectors and has established itself as a global passport for professional success. The teaching skills and strategies should be developed keeping pace with the current demands of the global market. More attention needs to be paid on the development of learners’ competence with focus on evolving a more effective and successful method. Language is the most important communicative tool of mankind, and English language has become a universal medium of communication in today’s era of liberalization and globalization.

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