
Face processing includes two crucial processing levels – face detection and face recognition. However, it remains unclear how human brains organize the two processing levels sequentially. While some studies found that faces are recognized as fast as they are detected, others have reported that faces are detected first, followed by recognition. We discriminated the two processing levels on a fine time scale by combining human intracranial EEG (two females, three males, and three subjects without reported sex information) and representation similarity analysis. Our results demonstrate that the human brain exhibits a “detection-first, recognition-later” pattern during face processing. In addition, we used convolutional neural networks to test the hypothesis that the sequential organization of the two face processing levels in the brain reflects computational optimization. Our findings showed that the networks trained on face recognition also exhibited the “detection-first, recognition-later” pattern. Moreover, this sequential organization mechanism developed gradually during the training of the networks and was observed only for correctly predicted images. These findings collectively support the computational account as to why the brain organizes them in this way.

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