
Applied anthropologists involved in poverty research often face unique challenges in developing approaches to more effectively inform and help shape the policy making process at the macro level. Significant findings from micro level analyses ultimately reflect real world issues and experiences of the population studied; once shared, reciprocal feedback can potentially help to refocus or clarify macro social policy issues, thus effecting change and increasing positive outcomes in the development of future social policy. While most social programs are developed with the best of intentions, the discrepancies between the views of policy shapers and of those targeted by proposed policies tend to lessen the chances of success. This paper describes efforts to have an effect on social scientists working at a macro level. My postdoctoral research experience is used to describe the various stages, challenges and benefits associated with this process including: • developing the project, • identifying and securing the implementation site, • identifying potential partners at the site, • recruiting participants, and • building rapport and trust with all those involved.

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