
본고는 김문기에 대한 사적 정비를 매개로 19세기 ‘단종제신’ 사적 정비가 문중을 매개로 확장되는 양상을 확인하는 한편, 그에 연동된 후손들의 활동을 조망하기 위하여 작성된 것이다. 영조 7년 관작이 복구된 김문기의 후손들은 철종 4년 선조·후손의 글을 모은 『白村遺稿』를 편찬하였다. 김문기 등이 사망한 지 400여년 만에 遺稿가 출현한 것이다. 선조의 시는 고려 왕조에 대한 충의로서 은거한 사적을 드러내고 있으며, 김문기와 아들의 시는 莊陵 配食壇에 배향된 인물들과 교유한 것이다. 이와 함께 김문기 부자가 피화된 후 그 자손이 通川으로 흘러 들어가게 된 전말과 충의와 은거를 지속하는 후손들의 움직임을 시를 통해 드러냈다. 이러한 양상은 숙종대 단종복위 후 18세기 지속된 단종 충신에 대한 현창움직임과 궤를 같이 한다. 이에 당시 부각된 사적에 맞추어 교유 시를 구성했을 가능성을 시사하는 것이다. 『백촌유고』는 가문의 忠節 전통을 부각시킴으로써 단종에 충의를 다하다 죽은 김문기 가문의 위상을 높이고 사회적 기반을 확고히 하려는 후손들의 지향을 드러내는 것이다.Examined in this article is, how administration and management of vestiges and remnants that belonged to vassals who had remained loyal and also died fighting for the expelled king Danjong(Danjong Jeshin, 端宗諸臣) were expanded in the 19th century, by the efforts of their descendants. Commemoration of the history of a person named Kim Mun-gi seems like an occasion that jump-started the process, so it is more closely examined here. In the meantime, also examined is what kind of activities the descendants actually involved themselves in. Descendants of Kim Mun-gi, whose title and honor was reinstated in the 7th year of King Yeongjos reign, compiled articles and pieces that had been authored by the Kim house ancestors (which of course included Kim Mun-gi) and published an anthology entitled Baekchon Yugo(白村遺稿), in the 4th year of King Cheoljongs reign which actually was after over 4 centuries since Kim Mun-gis own death. Articles authored by the highest ancestors of the house reveal a notion of loyalty that did not allow them to enlist in the Joseon governments payroll and instead had them remain as loyal vassals of Goryeo. Poems from Kim Mun-gi and his son portray their relationship with the people whose tablets were later enshrined at the Baeshik-dan(配食壇) altar of Jangreung(莊陵) mausoleum. How their descendants moved to Tongcheon(通川) area after Kim and his son were killed, and in what kind of manner they lived there ever since, as in solitude which was imposed upon their lives by no one but themselves, are displayed through various poems listed here as well. Their efforts were part of a bigger social trend which was witnessing more and more efforts embarking upon commemorating the selfless deeds of Danjongs Loyal Vassals, since the reign of King Sukjong in the 18th century. New historical information was being discovered, and devised were new ways of commemorating them, including displays of poems that were also evidences of their internal friendship. Baekchon Yugo was the result of such endeavor from the descendants that was to emphasize the familys old tradition of loyalty and integrity(忠節), in order to enhance the houses image and reinforce its social platform.

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