
Relevance. The volume of redistribution of the smallholder land fund directly depended on the success of combining the methods of land seizures by officials. For the one-courtyard people of the Central Chernozem region, the voiced question was so relevant that it significantly influenced their property status and choice of habitat.Purpose. The study of a combination of various methods of capturing one-courtyard people's land by officials of the Central Chernozem region from the middle of XVII-th to the end of XVIII-th century.Objectives consist of the study of individual and successive methods of seizing smallholder land by officials, as well as reusable land acquisitions by individuals upcoming «in business» together with their direct descendants.Methodology. In the process of the work were used analytical-synthetic and comparative-historical methods, as well as retrospective and historiographical analyses.Results. In the study, the author shows the whole structure of the methods of seizing one-courtyard people's land by officials, providing a statistical comparison of their application in practice. Then the researcher studies of the combined use of different methods of possession, which alternate at all levels (subtypes, types, and methods) for success. Finally, the author examines the multiple acquisitions of smallholder land by officials, along with their collective seizures by entire clans.Conclusion. The reason for combining the methods of capture lay in the steadfastness of the one-courtyard people and the greed of individual officials. The cessation of a series of attempts to seize the land was determined by the success of one side or another. The variety of combinations of methods depended on both officials and onecourtyard people. For example, the characters of the invader and the victim. The versatility of possessions expanded with the powers of the upcoming «in business» in progression: the higher the position, the wider the list of its capabilities, and the lower the level of the invader, the more rudely he applied the methods of seizures. On the whole, the process of redistributing the land fund of the one-courtyard people of the Central Chernozem region was not an individual phenomenon, since it involved several generations of all parties involved in the process.

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