
Relevance. Large-scale purposeful selection work of the Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding for 65 years has allowed to create about 80 fundamentally new apple cultivars, of which 55 cultivars are included in the State Register of breeding achievements allowed for use (zoned). The most valuable cultivars for production have already been tested and zoned in a number of regions of Russia. Material and results . This article contains a brief economic and biological description of the best cultivars that are included in four, three and two regions. In particular, a brief description of the cultivars is given, each of which is included in the zoning of four regions of the North-Western, Central, Central Chernozem and North Caucasus regions. These are Veniaminovskoye and Rozhdestvenskoye. In the North-Western, Central and Central Chernozem regions, the Sin-ap Orlovsky cultivaris has been zoned. In the Central, Volga-Vyatka, Central Chernozem and Srednevolzhsky regions, the Veteran cultivar has been zoned. Kandil Orlovsky has been zoned in three regions: in the Central, Central Chernozem and North Caucasus regions. In three regions — the NorthWestern, Central and Central Chernozem regions, the well-known cultivar Orlik has been zoned. Orlovskoe Polosatoye has been also included in the State Register in three regions — Central, North-Caucasus and Srednevolzhsky regions. Bolotovskoye, Imrus and Yablochny Spas have been zoned in two regions — Central and Central Chernozem regions. Only in the State Register of one Central Chernozem region 29 apple cultivars have been included. This is due to the fact that many of these cultivars have recently been included in the State Register. Thus, the columnar cultivars Priokskoe, Poezia, Vostorg, Garlyanda and Orlovskaya Yesenia were included in the State Register in 2014–2019, and the valuable winter triploid cultivars Vavilovskoye, Ministr Kiselev and Patriot with high-quality and delicious fruits weighing 170–200 g were included in the State Register only in the last 7 years.


  • Введение Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт селекции плодовых культур создал 55 новых сортов яблони

  • За 65-летний период в результате интенсивной, крупномасштабной работы большого междисциплинарного коллектива во ВНИИСПК создано и включено в Госреестр селекционных достижений 55 сортов яблони

  • В холодильнике плоды могут сохраняться до середины марта

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Введение Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт селекции плодовых культур создал 55 новых сортов яблони. В Северо-Западном, Центральном, Центрально-Черноземном и Северо-Кавказском регионах районировано 2 сорта селекции ВНИИСПК — Веньяминовское и Рождественское. Потребительские свойства: период плодов продолжается до конца февраля. Покровная окраска на большей части поверхности плодов в виде красного размытого румянца и крапин вишневого цвета. В Северо-Западном, Центральном, Центрально-Черноземном и Средневолжском регионах районирован сорт Синап орловский (Северный синап х Память Мичурина) позднезимний, триплоидный сорт.

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