Percolation ponds are constructed in many parts of the tropics to augment fast-depleting groundwater resources. Increased agricultural productivity due to additional well irrigation water is the direct benefit from the pond schemes. Usually, location-specific empirical relationships are adopted for hydrologic and economic design of ponds. In this paper, an approach is presented to evaluate hydrologic pond design, by combining watershed, aquifer and crop simulation models of the pond system. A watershed model (CAPSIM) was developed based on the ‘state variable approach’ describing the dynamic catchment-pond hydrologic processes such as runoff, runoff due to interflow, evapotranspiration, direct percolation, pumping and irrigation. CAPSIM operates on a daily basis, using rainfall and pan evaporation data. Based on the Alternating Direction Implicit Algorithm (ADIA), a finite difference Aquifer Simulation model (ASIM) was developed to simulate two-dimensional recharge mounds beneath the pond. Predictability of CAPSIM and ASIM was verified with observed field data from one pond site, from which the models were improved. The models were further validated separately for three pond locations and for different years of weather data, by comparing observed pond and well water levels. The crop model, SAHEL, was adapted to the rice-growing environments of pond command areas, by representing water stress, runoff and well irrigation. Total Additional well Irrigation made possible Due to recharge (AID-recharge) in two space dimensions during a crop season was predicted by linking CAPSIM and ASIM. AID-recharge thus computed was input to the crop model for predicting the spatial distribution of crop response to different well irrigation scenarios. A series of ‘distance-capacity-yield’ curves were developed, which quantify the benefits associated with a modification in the pond structure. The batch of models thus linked could serve as a decision support tool for pond designers for evaluating desired hydrologic economic strategy.
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