
Prostatitis is the third most prominent disease of the prostate after cancer and benign hyperplasia and accounts for more than 20% among andrological pathology. Chronic prostatitis / chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS) is one of the most common diseases in men. The frequency of CP/CPPS in the population ranges from 13.2% to 35%, and the peak in men up to 50 years old is 62.5%. In study were included 60 patients with CP who were divided into 2 equivalent groups of 30 men. The first group received a combined treatment, the second – only antibiotic therapy. The effectiveness of treatment were estimated in the dynamics of clinical symptoms, the dynamics of subjective status assessment (NIH-CPSI questionnaire), laboratory parameters and ultrasound data. The mean age of patients was 46.3±1.7 years in the combined treatment group and 45.7±1.2 years in the second group. According to the NIH-CPSI questionnaire, the number of points in the first group (5.7±0.5) after treatment was significantly lower (p <0.05) than in the second group (9.2±0.8). The volume of the prostate in patients of the first group decreased from 24.7±2.1 to 22.5±1.1 cm3, while in the second group, respectively, from 29.7±2.03 to 23.9±1.5 cm3 . The number of residual urine in patients taking combination therapy decreased from 15.9±4.1 ml to 8.2±2.5 ml, and in patients in the second group – from 7.8±1.6 ml to 2.2±0,4 ml. Conclusions. The treatment of chronic prostatitis should be complex, which means the simultaneous use of several drugs and methods acting on various parts of the pathogenesis of CP.

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