
A novel method for the quantitative determination of the anti-cancer drug cyclophosphamide and its principal urinary metabolites 4-oxocyclophosphamide, carboxyphosphamide, phosphoramide mustard and bis(2-chloroethyl)amine has been devised. The assay combines adsorption of drug-related material onto Amberlite XAD-2 and thin-layer chromatography with spot visualization using 4-(4-nitrobenzyl) pyridine, rapid photography and densitometry. The intra-assay coefficient of variation for each compound was < 6%. The limit of detection of the assay was 1 μg ml −1 for cyclophosphamide, phosphoramide mustard and bis(2-chloroethyl) amine and 0.5 μg ml −1 for 4-oxocyclophosphamide and carboxyphosphamide. The method was validated for cyclophosphamide and 4-oxocyclophosphamide using gas chromatography. It is concluded that the method provides the first means of determining the full metabolic spectrum for cyclophosphamide in patients without recourse to the administration of radioisotopically labelled drug.

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