
Wenlin Liao, Yifan Dai, Xuhui Xie, and Lin ZhouNational University of Defense Technology, DeYa Road,Changsha, Hunan, China 410073E-mail: liaowenlin1984@163.comAbstract. We propose a deterministic figuring method forfabricating high-precision optical surfaces by combining ionbeam material adding (IBA) and material removal [ion beamfiguring (IBF)] technology. The IBA is first utilized to improvethe accuracy and quality of the optical surface by determinis-tically adding material to the local pits, and then the IBF isapplied to further improve the surface accuracy throughremoving the local protuberances. Compared with currentIBF technology, this combined method can realize theuniformconvergenceofthesurfaceerrorsandsimultaneouslyincrease the convergence rate of the figuring process.

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