
In inflammatory periodontal diseases, the leading role in the emergence and development of the process is assigned to the microbial biofilm; therefore one of the requirements for antibiotics used in periodontology is the ability of the drug to easily penetrate into the microbial biofilm. The aim is to study the effect of a combination of drugs of the fluoroquinolone group — ciprofloxacin and the 5-nitroimidazole group — tinidazole on the clinical manifestations and microbial composition of biofilms in chronic generalized periodontitis. Materials and methods. 58 patients with exacerbation of moderate chronic periodontitis were examined. In the main group, a combined preparation of ciprofloxacin and tinidazole (Tsifran ST) was prescribed, in the comparison group — amoxicillin with clavulanic acid (Amoxiclav). The duration of the course of antimicrobial chemotherapy was 10—12 days. Results. In the course of treatment, normalization of the indices of hygiene indices, PMA and PBI in both groups was established. Representatives of the consortium P. gingivalis, T. forsythia, A. actinomycetemcomitans were identified by PCR diagnostics in 100% of patients in both groups. complex treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis with a combination of ciprofloxacin and tinidazole increases the efficiency of eradication of the periodontal pocket and tissues of the periodontal complex from periodontal pathogenic bacterial species. After the treatment, the eradication of periodontal pathogenic species in the main group (use of a combination of ciprofloxacin and tinidazole) was more complete than in the comparison group, and dysbiotic disorders were less pronounced than in the comparison group. Conclusion. The inclusion of a combination of ciprofloxacin and tinidazole in the algorithms for the complex treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis increases the efficiency of eradication of the periodontal pocket and tissues of the periodontal complex from periodontal pathogenic bacteria species.

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