
To produce competent and professional lecturers, of course, requires various efforts so that these goals are achieved, one of the efforts that can be made is through lecturer performance appraisal. At Tabanan University, lecturer performance assessment is carried out at the end of each semester, but in its implementation there are obstacles, namely: the results of the assessment are still not appropriate because they only assess education and learning criteria and and does not include any other defining criteria, besides that in Tabanan University, does not yet have a benchmark for determining lecturer performance. This has an impact on the decision-making process in evaluating and ranking lecturer performance. Therefore, to overcome these obstacles, a decision support system (DSS) is needed. The DSS was built using a combination of the Profile Matching and TOPSIS methods. The Profile Matching method is used in the weighting process and the calculation of the level of suitability of each alternative, while the TOPSIS method is for ranking calculations. The decision support system is built using four criteria that are taken from the employee performance targets.. These criteria are: Education and Teaching, Research, Community Service and Work Behavior.

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