In color image processing, preservation of hue is required. Therefore, perceptual color models such as HSI and HSV have been used. Hue-Saturation-Intensity (HSI) is a public color model, and many color applications have been made based on this model. However, the transformation from the conventional HSI (C-HSI) color space to the RGB color space after processing intensity/saturation in the C-HSI color space often generates the gamut problem, because the shape of C-HSI color space is a triangular pyramid which includes the RGB color space. When the output of intensity/saturation processing result is located in the outside of the common region of RGB color space and C-HSI color space, it is necessary to move to the RGB color space. The effective way of hue and intensity preserving saturation correction algorithm is proposed. According to the proposed saturation correction algorithm, the corrected saturation value is same as the processing result in the ideal HSI color space whose gamut same as the RGB gamut.
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