
Modern understanding of legal linguistics has expanded significantly as the relationship between jurisprudence and linguistics in the study of language issues of the legal field has changed The article is devoted to the study of the colocation structure of the texts of the Civil Code of Ukraine. It has been established that collocations are statistically stable compounds that form a certain continuum between free and stable compounds. It is proved that the conclusion of collocations of the texts of the Civil Code of Ukraine provides for a combination of the corpus method with distributive and contextual analysis. In this article, it is claimed that contemporary changes in the humanities justify the expansion of the range of jurisprudence integration to some other approaches, different from formalistic and pragmatic ones. The paper describes the features of legal language as a specialized system of legal concepts, provides communication needs in the field of legal science and practice. The article presents an overview of scientific works devoted to the study of the language of juridical field that covers general theoretical problems of juridical terminology, its history, formation and development issues, precision and normativity of separate terms and also linguistic features of separate juridical terminology Typical of an explicit definition is a simple sentence with a compound noun predicate that can function with zero or lexical verb conjunction. The complexity and specialized nature of legal cases determine the special requirements for the training and experience of a lawyer. To maintain the necessary level of knowledge and skills, a lawyer must constantly engage in his education and training.

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