
As an initial test of a new laser spectroscopy system placed on line to the UNISOR isotope separator, the hyperfine structure of 131Xe II and 129Xe II in their 5 d 4 D 7 2 and 6 p 4 P 5 2 levels has been investigated along with isotope shifts for 128–131, 134, 136Xe relative to 132Xe. The method utilizes the resonant absorption of laser light collinear to the beam of ∼50 keV Xe ions from the isotope separator. The spectra were produced by scanning a ring dye laser over a small frequency range and continuously monitoring the absorption through subsequent fluorescence of the 4 P 5 2 level. Laser and other electronic drifts during the course of the measurements were small and were monitored through simultaneous absorption of a portion of the laser light in an I 2 cell. The measured hyperfine constants and isotope shifts are compared with earlier results and δ〈 r 2〉 are deduced from the isotope shifts.

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