
Please click here to download the map associated with this article. The College of Charleston Campus Map project was a student class project designed to improve the accuracy of the existing static map, and to create an interactive online map for the campus website. Campus maps can provide useful information to prospective and current students, visitors, and on-campus groups including public safety and maintenance. The current campus maps at the College of Charleston are skewed for aesthetic purposes, and do not accurately depict geospatial features. The campus map created by the students in this project is GIS based and designed to provide highly accurate, printable static and interactive online maps for the College of Charleston community, prospective students and visitors. The College of Charleston is a public university located on the downtown peninsula of Charleston, South Carolina. The core campus area encompasses approximately a square half mile, and includes academic, residence, and support buildings. Spatial data collected from aerial orthophotos, County databases, and field surveys were integrated into the Student Campus Map. The new map includes all current campus building locations, student and faculty parking lots and campus call box locations. The use of a geographic information system allows this map to be updated more efficiently than the previous maps and permitted the development of an interactive online map for use on the college web site.

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