
amount of music education that should be required in the training of the teacher and supervisor of public school music. Almost no attempts have ever been made, however, to determine what should be the nature of this training. writer was forcibly impressed by this when he began teaching music education courses in a state teachers college in the west. He found that there were no sources from which he could obtain suggestions regarding such factors as the organization, content, and teaching procedures of these courses. He determined to investigate the above and to discover how the leading training institutions of the land were meeting the same. The Content and Teaching of College Courses in Music Education, a master's thesis completed at Northwestern University in the summer of 1932, was the result. present article is a brief review of this study. Data were obtained from 67 institutions of higher learning that are reputed to have strong departments in music education. These included 31 universities, 17 state teachers colleges, 10 colleges, and 9 conservatories. A 1931-1932 catalog was secured from each of these institutions. All information bearing on the problem at hand was taken directly from these catalogs, in so far as it was possible to do so. A questionnaire was then sent to the instructors in charge of the music education courses asking for information that could not be secured satisfactorily from the catalogs.

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