
Abstract This study’s purpose was to define music teacher person prototypes via Q factor analysis and to determine which curricular components of music education courses of study these prototypes judged to be central to the development of music teachers. This study included 4 graduating seniors in music education, 4 veteran music teachers, and 4 university music teacher educators who completed a Q-sort of 77 curricular components typically found in music education courses of study. Two prototypes emerged from this initial Q analysis: Instrumental and Vocal/Choral. To examine the stability of the prototypes, we removed all components dealing explicitly with instrumental or vocal/choral and then performed a second analysis. The same two person prototypes emerged. In this second analysis, the Instrumental prototype indicated strongest centrality for conducting/rehearsing skills, along with performance in ensembles, study on the primary performing medium, score analysis, a student teaching internship in the major area, ear and sight-singing skills, and classroom management. The Vocal/Choral prototype indicated strongest centrality for classroom management, along with curriculum development, keyboard skills, a student teaching internship in the major area, developing professional relationships, error detection skills, assessment/evaluation, understanding kindergarten through 12th grade school culture, selecting classroom materials, and planning lessons.

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