
I foretell the coming of one planet-wide civilisation based on the practice of collective intelligence in Cyberspace. However, before coming to the crux of the matter, I would first like to justify my methodology, which is not that of scientific prediction but rather of poetic imagination. To contrast prediction and imagination in this manner is not to imply that imagination equates with falsehood and illusion. On the contrary, I believe that imagination, and especially collective imagination, produces reality. In choosing imagination over prediction, I mean to underline the fact that the future has not yet been written and that we are probably much more free than we think. We are responsible for the world which we create together through our thoughts, words and deeds. That is why I am convinced that it is much more constructive to use our own powers of perception and freedom of choice in a creative manner rather than denounce, judge and condemn the world as it is, that is to say, at the end of the day, others. Does this mean that we should abandon our critical faculties, our ability to differentiate? Of course not. Rather, every positive thought, word and deed subtly indicates the path which it has chosen not to take. The fact of indicating and then taking a certain path implies a 'critique' of those not taken. When we exercise our freedom, and our poetic freedom amongst other things, we necessarily evaluate the alternatives before making a choice. However, in doing this, creative imagination summons a world yet to come rather than reinforcing negative stereotypes, prolonging conflicts or entrenching differences. It does not do this from nothing, nor does it simply follow its own whims. Proceeding relentlessly by direct observation and attempting to overcome all prejudices, I endeavour to identify, from amongst the thousands of embryonic forms which the current situation has created, those which, given the opportunity to develop fully, will be most propitious to increasing our freedom. As I conceive it, creative imagination cannot therefore be dissociated from a process of reading and interpreting?a sort of profound vision?for

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