
Collections of threatened, endangered and unique species are discussed along with general habitat characteristics at collection sites. Documentation of locations of collections of threatened and endangered species is necessary to properly administer laws and regulations governing protection of those species and their habitats. Personnel of the Kansas Fish and Game Commission's Environmental Services Section routinely conduct environmental reviews of various developmental projects. Such projects include, but are not limited to: bridge repair or replacement, pipeline alignments, hydropower projects, transmission line routings, stream channel modifications, and stream bank stabilization efforts. An important part of the environmental review, is an on-site assessment of proposed projects that occur within the probable range of state threatened or endangered species as listed in K.A.R. 23-17-1. Projects that impact listed species or their habitats must be issued a special permit as required by K.A.R. 23-17-2. For proper enforcement of laws and regulations pertaining to state-listed threatened and endangered species, up-to-date knowledge of their distribution is required. Current Fish and Game Commission records and Cross' 1967 publication on Kansas fishes form the basis for determining need for on-site assessments. Specimens of listed fish species, as well as other unique species, are often collected, when local populations will not be affected, and delivered to the University of Kansas Museum of Natural History for verification of identification and placement in the state collection housed there. In addition to distributional information obtained during on-site assessments, specific habitat data recorded where fish collections are made will eventually lead to improved impact analyses of proposed development projects. Habitat requirements for many of the state's threatened, endangered, and unique species are not well known. All information obtained concerning habitat requirements will aid the Commission in providing input to projects

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