The collection of the daffodils of Central Botanical Garden of the NAS of Belarus unites 413 varieties representing 10 garden groups. In order to select daffodils for industrial gardening, a method for comparative assessment of cultivars has been developed, which is presented in this article.The system is based on the evaluation of cultivars of flower-ornamental plants. Cultivars of daffodils are evaluated in stages. In the period of mass flowering, a 5-points scale is used to assess the decorativeness of cultivars and their adaptability to local conditions. For further study, prospective varieties are distinguished, estimated at no lower than 4 points. They are grouped by garden groups, by color and size of flowers, flowering time, height of peduncles and practical use (group planting, cutting, forcing). In the selected groups and subgroups, a comparative assessment of promising varieties is made by of decorative and economic-biological qualities.The decorativeness of the cultivars is proposed to be assessed on a 100-point scale in total by 8 features: color, flower size, heat resistance of the flower, the quality of the perianth stems, the quality of the peduncle, the duration of flowering, abundance of flowering, originality. Each attribute is evaluated on a 5-point scale and multiplied by the coefficient of its significance, respectively, the maximum score of the attributes ranges from 10 to 15 points.The assessment of the economic and biological qualities of cultivars is carried out in total within a 50-point scale in 7 indicators: winter hardiness, spring frost damage, resistance to disease, resistance to pests, resistance to viral infection, reproductive capacity, plant condition. Coefficient of significance of all signs 1–2.Assessment of cultivars of daffodils in total for decorative and economic-biological characteristics is a key moment in the formation of the assortment of daffodils for industrial use. It allows selection of the most decorative, stable and well-breeding varieties in local conditions, estimated at not less than 130 points.
The system is based on the evaluation of cultivars of flower-ornamental plants
The decorativeness of the cultivars is proposed to be assessed on a 100-point scale in total by 8 features: color, flower size, heat resistance of the flower, the quality of the perianth stems, the quality of the peduncle, the duration of flowering, Весці Нацыянальнай акадэміі навук Беларусі
Each attribute is evaluated on a 5-point scale and multiplied by the coefficient of its significance, respectively, the maximum score of the attributes ranges from 10 to 15 points
В целях отбора сортов для промышленного озеленения разработана мето дика, основанная на балльной системе сравнительной оценки сортов цветочно-декоративных растений, предложен ной В. Хозяйственно-биологические качества сортов оценивали в пределах 50-балльной шкалы, суммарно учитывая 7 показателей: зимостойкость, повреждение весенними заморозками, состояние растений, устойчивость к болезням, устойчивость к вредителям, устойчивость к вирусной инфекции, репродуктивную способность. Признаки оценивали по 5-балльной шкале и в зависимости от их значимости умножали на повышающий коэффициент (от 1 до 2). По результатам комплексной оценки декоративных и хозяйственно-биологических качеств сорта, оцененные 130 баллами и более, считали перспективными для промышленного озеленения. К. Коллекция нарцисса гибридного (Narcissus × Hybridus Hort.) Центрального ботанического сада Национальной академии наук Беларуси и методические аспекты ее оценки / И. COLLECTION OF THE DAFFODILS (NARCISSUS × HYBRIDUS HORT.) OF THE CENTRAL BOTANICAL GARDEN OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF BELARUS AND METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF THE EVALUATION OF ITS CULTIVARS
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