
Futile reperfusion is a phenomenon of inadequate perfusion despite successful recanalization after acute ischemic stroke (AIS). It is associated with poor patient outcomes and has received increasing interest due to its clinical diagnosis becoming more common. However, the underlying mechanisms remain elusive, and experimental studies are focused on the pathological background of futile reperfusion. Our recent study has confirmed that poor primary collateralization plays a crucial role in the insufficiency of reperfusion after AIS in mice. Specifically, the absence of primary collaterals in the circle of Willis (CoW) promoted the development of spreading depolarizations (SDs) during AIS. In our experimental stroke model, the occurrence of SDs during ischemia always predicted futile reperfusion. Conversely, in mice with a complete CoW, no SDs were observed, and reperfusion was complete. Importantly, the human CoW displays variation in the primary collaterals in approximately 50% of the population. Therefore, futile reperfusion may result from SD evolution in AIS patients. Our purpose here is to emphasize the crucial role of SD in the development of futile reperfusion. We propose that adequate collateral recruitment can prevent SD occurrence, leading to improved reperfusion and AIS outcomes.

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