
Shear strength and cohesion of granular materials are important geotechnical properties that play a crucial role in the stability and behavior of lunar and Martian regolith, as well as their terrestrial analog materials. To characterize and predict shear strength and cohesion for future space missions, it is also important to understand the effects of particle size distribution and density on these fundamental geotechnical properties. Generalized equations have been established using empirical data from direct shear measurements of lunar and Martian regolith simulants to quantify the effects of particle size distribution and density on cohesion and shear strength. Preliminary results are also presented highlighting the effects of atmospheric absorbed water on shear strength and cohesion when conducting experiments in atmospheric conditions on Earth. The results of this study show that cohesion increases exponentially with bulk density, while the exponential growth constant is also dependent on particle size distribution. The presence of absorbed atmospheric water can also produce non-monotonic effects on the shear strength of regolith, and it's influence on shear strength varies based on sample density for Earth-based experiments and applications. Together, these results highlight the importance of particle size distribution, bulk density, and atmospheric water content on the shear strength and cohesion of lunar and Martian simulants. This study also establishes generalized equations for predictive, testing, and modeling efforts for future space missions.

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