
The resting-state functional connectivity (RSFC) of spontaneous hemodynamic fluctuations is widely used to investigate large-scale functional brain networks based on neurovascular mechanisms. However, high-resolution RSFC networks based on neural activity have not been disclosed to explore the neural basis of these spontaneous hemodynamic signals. The present study examines the neural RSFC networks in mice at high spatial resolution using optical imaging with voltage-sensitive dyes (VSDs). Our results show that neural RSFC networks for the slow cortical potentials (0.1–4Hz) showed similar correlation patterns to the RSFC networks for the spontaneous hemodynamic signals, indicating a tight coupling between the slow cortical potential and the spontaneous hemodynamic signals during rest, but the bilateral symmetry of the RSFC networks for the slow cortical potentials was significantly lower than that for the spontaneous hemodynamic signals. Moreover, similar asymmetric neural activation patterns could also be found between the bilateral cortexes after stimulating the paws of mice. By increasing anesthetic levels to induce the reduction of consciousness, the RSFC networks for the slow cortical potentials persisted, but those for the spontaneous hemodynamic signals became discrete. These results suggest that the coherent slow cortical potentials underlie the spontaneous hemodynamic fluctuations and reveal a superior localization of RSFC networks. VSD imaging may potentially be used to examine the RSFC of neural activity, particularly under conditions of impaired neurovascular coupling.

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