
We investigate the evolution behaviour ofelectron–hole pair wavepacket in optically excited squarequantum-dot arrays driven by in-plane (x-y plane) uniform electricfield E (viz, E = Exex+Eyey, ex,ey are unit vectors along x and y directions respectively), in thetime domain. It is found that if the ratio of the x-componentelectric field Ex to the y-component electric fieldEy is a rational p/q (p and q being coprime integernumbers), the wavepackets undergo a time-periodic breathing mode,with the period 2πp/ωBx, where ωBx = eExa/ℏ,with a being the lattice constant of square dot arrays, ℏ beingPlanck's constant, e being the electron charge. This finding providesa time-domain demonstration of the recent spectral result [Phys. Rev.Lett. 86 (2001) 3116].

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