
Aim. To study the level of cognitive functions and peculiarities of vegetative regulation in practically healthy young persons.
 Materials and methods. The study included 116 practically healthy persons of young age (23,06 ± 2,3), 81 women and 35 men. They were divided into five groups of health according to G.L. Apanasenko; in all the groups of comparison, the following was assessed: vegetative regulation using cardiointervalography, cognitive functions – with Montreal Cognitive Assessment Scale.
 Results. Variety of reliable differences among the obtained data permits to consider the principles of vegetative regulation formation and cognitive disorder manifestations in different groups. The scheme, reflecting the depen-dence of manifestation of the studied indices in the comparison groups, was offered as a visual confirmation.
 Conclusions. The optimal level of providing cognitive functions in practically healthy young persons was shown to be reached by the balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic effects, more typical for subjects, corresponding to moderate health status.

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