
Study of the effectiveness of the use of the drug Ampasse in the process of complex rehabilitation in patients in the early recovery period of ischemic stroke at the second (stationary) stage. The study included 60 patients, 28 women and 32 men, aged 43 to 76 years (mean - 58.4±9.1 years), in the recovery period after suffering a stroke in the period from 1 to 12 months (on average - 4.7±3.5 months). All patients received complex rehabilitation, patients of the 1st group received additional intravenous injections of the drug Ampasse 25 mg (5.0 ml), 15 injections. Patients of the 2nd group (n 0) did not receive Ampasse. To assess cognitive functions, the following tests were used: the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Scale (MoCA), Stroop's test, subtest 9 of the Wechsler test, Koos cubes (CC), the severity of anxiety and depression was assessed, and motor recovery was assessed by the hand motor activity test (ARAT). The assessment was carried out before the start of treatment and on the 21st day. There was a statistically significant increase in the score on the MoCA scale, in patients of the 1st group by an average of 2 points, in the 2nd group there was no significant dynamics, a statistically significant difference was found in the proportion of patients who had an increase in the MoCA index after the course of treatment in the 1st group. compared with the 2nd (χ2 - 22.528, p<0.001). Decreased the level of rigidity according to the Stroop test in patients of the 1st group compared with the 2nd (χ2 - 8.297, p=0.004). The number of patients who showed positive dynamics in the Koos cubes test in the 1st group was statistically significantly higher (χ2- 4.344, p=0.038). A statistically significant decrease in the level of depression was revealed in patients of the 1st group. The number of patients with improved motor function of the hand was greater in the 1st group of MG (χ2 - 4.286, p<0.039). In patients in complex therapy receiving intravenous administration of the drug Ampasse at a dose of 25 mg (5.0 ml) 15 administrations, a statistically significant improvement in cognitive functions was revealed according to MoCA tests, Stroop test, Koos Cubes, when compared with the comparison group. The use of Ampasse increased the effectiveness of cognitive and motor rehabilitation in patients with post-stroke disorders.

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