
Aggression is an emerging psychological issue in society. Adolescents and aggression are crucial and ardent issues of the current scenario and steps need to be taken to reduce violence among youth. Exposure to media, gadgets, chaotic family environment, and locality can precipitate the aggressive behavior of an individual to a great extent. The rise of conflict with parents is increasing nowadays even though it is regarded as normal during teens. Adolescents generally have an identity crisis, are often temperamental, venture into risky behavior, seek more independence, and love to be in the company of friends rather than family. Aggression is an act of hurting or harming others by direct means such as hitting, kicking, punching, biting, and indirect means like backbiting, rejection, social isolation, telling rumors, using bad words, threatening others. Anger has always been associated with a multitude of problems such as substance abuse, emotional and physical abuse, domestic violence, psychological disturbances like poor concentration, sleeplessness, insecure feeling, and self-mutilative behavior. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a therapeutic intervention that helps in identifying maladaptive cognitive schemas that leads to negative emotions and behaviors. It aids in resolving behavioral problems of adolescents and youths. It inculcates instruction, coaching, and strengthening positive human behaviors and certain intervention strategies such as social skill training, moral reasoning training, and anger management. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a kind of umbrella that covers all kinds of behavioral intervention strategies in psychology

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