
Abstract The trial was conducted on 20-yr-old Ashley’ walnuts in a commercial orchard near Woodland, Calif. Five treatments were replicated 4 times in a randomized complete block design. Each replicate consisted of an individual tree. Treatments were applied with a hand-held orchard sprayer operating at 300 psi and delivering 400 gal/acre of finished spray (5.7 gal/tree). All rates of RH-5992 and Lorsban were applied on 2 May (Vi-inch nut size for the overwintering CM generation). In addition, RH-5992 was applied on 21 Jun (start of oviposition for the first CM generation) and again on 19 Jul, while Guthion was applied on 7 Jul (5 to 10% egg hatch of first generation) and again on 2 Aug to the trees which were treated with Lorsban on 2 May. Control of the overwintering generation (first application) was evaluated by counting all CM-infested dropped nuts weekly from 28 May through 1 Jul. Control of the first generation (second and third applications) was evaluated by inspecting 100 nuts/tree at commecial harvest on 20 Sep for CM and NOW infestation. The trial was conducted in an orchard which had experienced more than 20% CM damage the previous year. Thus, this trial should be considered a very rigorous test of the experimental materials.

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