This paper investigates the synergy of chloride ion concentration and temperature on the general and pitting corrosion of carbon steel in CO2-saturated environments. Experiments were conducted over 168 h in different concentrations of NaCl brines (1 wt%, 3.5 wt%, and 10 wt%) and temperatures (30°C, 50°C, and 80°C) with the aim of elucidating the combined effect of changes in chloride ion concentration and temperature on overall metal degradation, taking into consideration general and pitting corrosion. This also includes a correlation with the formation and properties of FeCO3 corrosion products. Linear polarization resistance was implemented to monitor the electrochemical responses. Corrosion product characteristics and morphologies were studied through a combination of scanning electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction. Pitting corrosion evaluation was conducted through the application of 3D surface profilometry to study pit geometries such as the depth and diameter. The results show that general and pitting corrosion are strongly correlated to the synergistic effects of changing chloride ion concentration and temperature in carbon steel as a result of their combined influence on ferrite (Fe) dissolution and FeCO3 formation. This represents a paradigm shift from the already established mechanisms on chloride ion and temperature effects on passive alloys such as stainless steel. Increasing chloride ion concentration and temperature up to 10 wt% NaCl and 50°C to 80°C, respectively, is observed to increase the rate of Fe dissolution and formation of semiprotective FeCO3 corrosion products, leading to the increased manifestation and severity of pitting corrosion. The results also show that a “threshold chloride concentration” exists at 30°C, above which there is no significant increase in corrosion rate. However, such “threshold effects” were not observed at higher temperatures evaluated in the range of chloride concentration considered in this study.
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