
In industrial application, over loading condition, short circuit is the dominant fault in the motor drives. There are many reasons for the fault but due to this insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) gets damaged which affect the whole system. Protecting IGBT and hence protecting motor drive system at fault condition is the crucial and insistent part of the protection. The short circuit and open circuit fault in an IGBT can be detected by several techniques. The paper presents an idea to deals with the short circuit fault such as fault under over load condition in the typical applications like winder machine. In this paper both the fault diagnosis and clearance of the fault are done. Fault diagnosis is based on the voltage between the collector and the emitter (VCE) of the IGBT which can be done by actual short circuit between these points in the simulation. Voltages of healthy and faulty condition are analyzed. In the fault clearance, CMOS-NAND based circuitry is used called EH10 card for inverter. It shows that this card has ability to detect the fault across the switch and give the signal to microcontroller for its clearance by making GATE signal of the IGBTs zero. This protection of Inverter using realization of CMOS-NAND based GATE driver card is verified using MATLAB simulation results.

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