
The segmentation of somites from the paraxial mesoderm is a crucial event in vertebrate embryonic development; however, the mechanisms underlying this process are not well understood. In a yeast two-hybrid screen we have identified the novel basic-helix-loop-helix (bHLH) protein cMeso-1 which is expressed in the presomitic mesoderm of early chicken embryos. Initially the gene is activated in the epiblast and transcripts concentrate later in and around the primitive streak. When the segmental plate is laid down the cMeso-1 expression domain successively retracts toward the caudal end but a second domain appears in bilateral stripes in the anterior paraxial mesoderm. This highly dynamic domain of cMeso-1 transcripts demarcates the area immediately posterior to the next prospective pair of somites in cyclic waves which apparently correspond to the formation of new somites. Loss of cMeso-1 function by antisense RNA or oligonucleotides results in severe attenuation of somitogenesis suggesting that it plays an important role in setting up the segmentation process. The dynamic and periodically reiterated expression of cMeso-1 along the anteroposterior axis is not dependent on anterior structures or the propagation of a signal along the anteroposterior axis but seems to follow an intrinsic patterning program which is already set up in the segmental plate.

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