
The Universe is not perfectly homogeneous, the large scale structure forms overdense regions and voids. In this paper, we consider the possibility that we occupy a special position in our Universe, close to the center of a local underdense region that we model as an LTB void embedded in a homogeneous and isotropic Universe. The CMB sky measured by an off-center observer in this void is not statistically isotropic. In addition to the non-stochastic CMB anisotropies due to the geometry of the model, we also observe a lensing-like distortion of the CMB anisotropies. In this article, we propose a framework to forecast the precision with which we can measure the amplitude of the lensing-like deformation of the CMB temperature anisotropies. For illustrative purposes, we apply this method to a couple of large-scale void models differing over the matter density profile and we show that the CMB temperature data from the Planck satellite is potentially capable to detect the effect for the large voids chosen here. A companion paper will be dedicated to a systematic exploration of different realistic void models.

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