
Irradiation growth of single-crystal Zr is modeled with a reduced set of cluster dynamics equations. Nucleation and growth of basal and prismatic dislocation loops are both accounted for in the model. Equations are developed for the time evolution of single point defects, a limited number of point defect clusters, interstitial and vacancy loop nucleation rates, as well as for the growth of vacancy loops on basal planes and interstitial loops on prismatic planes. Reduction of the usual infinite hierarchy of cluster dynamics equations to the simple set studied here is justified on the physical basis of the stability of small loops once nucleated. This simplified cluster dynamics model with a small number of adjustable parameters avoids the complexity of explicit representation of higher order point defect clusters. The model shows consistency with experimental observations of the following aspects: (1) the growth rates of Zr crystals along the a- and c-axes; (2) the onset dose for breakaway irradiation growth; (3) the saturation dislocation loop densities of vacancy and interstitial loops; (4) the effects of cold work and temperature on irradiation growth.

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