
Introduction. Natural and climatic conditions and factors of production intensity are important in increasing the efficiency of growing cereal crops. In order to provide the population of the country and its regions with food on a scientifically sound basis based on the deepening of specialization, concentration and interregional exchange of agricultural products, raw materials and food, it is necessary to take into account the existing regional division of labor in agricultural production and the placement of production of certain types of products by using the natural potential of agriculture, the ratio volumes of production and consumption, which depend on the volumes of commodity resources for export or the need for their import. Methods. The following methods and techniques were used to implement the tasks: monographic – for a comprehensive study of the current state of agricultural production, assessment of the organizational and economic conditions of grain crop production by agricultural enterprises and determination of factors affecting the efficiency of activities; selective – for a detailed survey of agricultural commodity producers in the production of cereal crops; comparison – to compare economic phenomena in different time periods in order to identify a cause-and-effect relationship; abstract and logical, calculation-constructive and optimization - when substantiating directions of production specialization in agricultural enterprises. Results. It has been proven that the following are the priority areas of the grain production cluster development strategy: increasing the efficiency of infrastructure organizations based on a higher level of investment attractiveness of the region; stimulation of innovative activity in the cluster; intensification of work on the development of cooperative relations in the cluster, which is based on the formation of special programs to strengthen relationships between its participants; development and implementation of measures to activate missing functions in the grain sub-complex. Discussion. The development of grain production clusters in the future will ensure the formation of specialized zones for the cultivation and processing of grains of grain crops, which will ensure the improvement of their efficiency and the satisfaction of the internal needs of the population of Ukraine. A promising direction of further research is solving the problem of increasing efficiency by introducing innovative products into the technological process of production and processing of grain crops within the territorial specialized cluster in order to create added value in the conditions of the export-oriented post-war economy of Ukraine. Key words: specialization, concentration, cluster, specialized zones, cultures.

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