
AbstractThe uncertainties of the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) Level 2 version 6 specific humidity (q) and temperature (T) retrievals are quantified as functions of cloud types by comparison against Integrated Global Radiosonde Archive radiosonde measurements. The cloud types contained in an AIRS/Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit footprint are identified by collocated Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer retrieved cloud optical depth (COD) and cloud top pressure. We also report results of similar validation of q and T from European Centre for Medium‐Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) forecasts (EC) and retrievals from the AIRS Neural Network (NNW), which are used as the initial state for AIRS V6 physical retrievals. Differences caused by the variation in the measurement locations and times are estimated using EC, and all the comparisons of data sets against radiosonde measurements are corrected by these estimated differences. We report in detail the validation results for AIRS GOOD quality control, which is used for the AIRS Level 3 climate products. AIRS GOOD quality q reduces the dry biases inherited from the NNW in the middle troposphere under thin clouds but enhances dry biases in thick clouds throughout the troposphere (reaching −30% at 850 hPa near deep convective clouds), likely because the information contained in AIRS retrievals is obtained in cloud‐cleared areas or above clouds within the field of regard. EC has small moist biases (~5–10%), which are within the uncertainty of radiosonde measurements, in thin and high clouds. Temperature biases of all data are within ±1 K at altitudes above the 700 hPa level but increase with decreasing altitude. Cloud‐cleared retrievals lead to large AIRS cold biases (reaching about −2 K) in the lower troposphere for large COD, enhancing the cold biases inherited from the NNW. Consequently, AIRS GOOD quality T root‐mean‐squared errors (RMSEs) are slightly smaller than the NNW errors in thin clouds (1.5–2.5 K) but slightly larger than the NNW errors for thick COD (reaching 3.5 K near the surface). The AIRS BEST quality control retains retrievals with uncertainties closer to those of the NNW. The AIRS error estimates reported in the L2 product tend to underestimate the precision (RMSE) implied by comparisons to the radiosonde measurements and do not reflect the observed cloud dependency of uncertainties.

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